How To Grow Long Hair Natrually

I have been meaning to write a post like this for a while as it is a question I often get asked. Growing your hair long takes a lot of time and dedication to ensure that it is healthy and taken care of. For me I decided to grow my hair longer than it had been before in around 2015. Before that I had never had short hair (apart from one time we will not go into) but my hair tended to hover just below my shoulders.

I had tried to grow my hair out before but it always seemed to get to a certain length then stop and break. I was always told that sometimes this is just the case and your hair just isn't meant to grow that long - this is not true!

We often end up damaging our hair through dyeing and endless styling which can dry out the hairs till they break and split However in my 5 years of trying to grow my hair I have worked out some of the best tricks to help your hair stay healthy and grow long and thick. I hope you enjoy my top tips below on how to grow your hair long naturally and get the hair you want. 

1. Find a good hair oil that works for you. This is essential and I personally have seen the most change when I oil my hair at least once a week. Try to avoid putting the hair oil on the routes of your hair or you will just look like a grease ball. The best times to oil your hair is on the lengths an hour before you wash your hair, or just after washing and before styling. It can also be good to once a week oil then plait your hair before bed. This will help it soak in before being washed out in the morning.  For my favourite oil click here. 

2. Don't over wash your hair. This is a mistake I see a lot of women doing and it can really dry out your hair over time. Washing your hair more than once or twice a week, can really badly damage it. If your hair gets greasy in between washes, just try and plait it. When I was trying to grow my hair longer, this was one of the things I struggled with the most!

3. Try not to over style your hair! To get around this I have some fall-back styles that I know I can utilise when I need to lay off the straighteners like plaits! 

4. Switch to more natural hair products. As I have moved away from products containing SLS and Parebens I have seen a difference in my hair. More natural products will always be better but make your choice carefully! Always consider what suits your hair, my personal current fave can be found here. 

5. Remember to leave your products in. Shampoo and conditioner work best when you give them more time to do their thing. If you often get a greasy or flakey scalp leave your shampoo on for 5 mins before you wash it out. The same can be said of leaving conditioner on dry ends. 

6. Massage your scalp! This helps stimulate new hair growth and can be very relaxing! I do mine every time I wash my hair - lush!

7. Good nutrition! Yes I have saved the most boring for last! Nutrition is so important for good nails, hair and skin and without a healthy diet it is unlikely you will be able to grow hair long. Drinking water and getting high amounts of vitamins and minerals in your diet will work wonders. I personally like to try and get over my five a day everyday, along with lots of healthy protein and animal fat. 

Hair and nails are a good indicator of how we are feeling on the inside. Stress, depression, eating disorders and general poor mental health can be seen physically. If you are struggling with something like hair loss this can be a good indicator of a serious problem. If this is the case I would urge you to go to your doctor and speak to them. Managing stress can be tricky and I have had very horrible stressful periods in my life which I wish I had addressed sooner before the physical symptoms had appeared. I hope you enjoyed my tips and have found them useful. Our outer beauty is often linked to what is going on inside as well so remember to show yourself some care and love. 

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