Building a More Feminine Wardrobe


For a while now I have been trying to build a more feminine wardrobe in an effort to become more in-touch with my femininity. I started to become inspired and intrigued on the subject after reading Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus some time ago. I then discovered Sex Matters by Mona Charen and a few other books which have really inspired me. 

One of the first and easiest ways to get in touch with your femininity is to change up your wardrobe... so that is what I have been doing!

Before you get started with this I would really recommend doing two things. The first is working out what colors you should be wearing and what suits you. This is not a hard and fast rule, I have an Autumn coloring but I loved the yellow top above and decided to get it anyway. You don't always have to only buy clothes in your color but I do believe that colors that suit you should form the basis of your wardrobe. 

The second thing I would really recommend doing is watching 'That Feminine Housewifes' video on feminine style. She goes into detail about how you face and body shape impacts the feminine clothes that suit you. This was really useful to me as although I love quite 'soft' looking clothing, because of my angular face it doesn't suit me. The rules she outlines in the video have stuck with me when I was building a more feminine wardrobe and choosing new clothes. In short, if you have a rounder face and a soft body you can wear frills, fluff, feathers etc. whereas if you are slimmer and more angular you cant. 

For me, building a more feminine wardrobe has been very enjoyable and allowed me more opportunities to create outfits that I wouldn't have thought of wearing in the past. As most of you know I love being outdoors and hiking - but often with 'outdoors clothes' you can easily loose your femininity. When choosing new things for hiking trips I have focused more on girly colors - which has the added bonus of making me more visible on the mountain. 

Over the past year or so of me attempting to add more feminine clothes to my wardrobe, I have seen a shift in both color and texture as I have moved towards softer fabrics and started wearing more pinks and whites which I love. My wardrobe now also contains more silk than ever which I have really started to enjoy wearing. 

Building a more feminine wardrobe has also extended to my nightwear which now consists of more nighties and cute sets from Underprotection rather than old cotton PJs (although I still have them hidden for when I am feeling cozy).

The biggest change for me has been the change in how I feel when I wear my clothes. We all know how clothing is a form of self expression but I very rarely considered my femininity as something I needed to express.

Building a more feminine wardrobe and adding in new items will be a long process but I am already starting to feel differently about my clothing and myself. Although clothing is not the focal point of my journey with femininity, it is an important part and something I have been working on. For me it is just one part, one aspect of this journey that I am continuing to work on and express. 

If you would like to read more on my journey with femininity click here :)

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