What is GMO and is it ethical?

Since the rise of social media and the mainstreaming of environmentalism, I have heard very little of the topic of Genetically Modified Food being discussed in eco circles. GMO's are not ethical, and pose a huge threat to human and animal health. They pose a threat to the most vulnerable in society that currently seem powerless to stop the influx of this dangerous technology. GMO food will soon become something that the poor people in this country are forced to eat, having no way of having access to organic food. If nothing is done I give farming about 10 years to survive in Britain as we have already seen farms disappear at an alarming rate. Our native wildlife is on the brink of extinction as well and the introduction of GMO seeds and increased spraying will surely finish many species off. 

So, before I begin what is GM food and why should you understand what it is? The WHO defines GMO's as:

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as organisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.

But why should we care? Why does it matter if someone wants to put Fish DNA in tomatoes and feed them to the general population? Well, one of the main concerns with this is human health. Monsanto/Bayer one of the main billion pound corporations who create genetically modified food have been sending it off to poor countries for years without proper testing. Many countries in Africa who have food security issues are sold grains from these large corporations even though we know that GMOs carry health risks. 

Event the corrupt WHO state on their website that there are risks to consuming GMOs. The main risks that they mention are Allergies (hmm I wonder where all this gluten intolerance came from) although the WHO denies that the GMOs currently on the market produce this I think we can see from trends over the past 20 years that something is clearly going wrong. Gene Transfer is also another risk mentioned by the WHO. Out-crossing is another issue they mention (which  is where genes from GM crops mix with genes from wild spiecies or other crops).

Out crossing creates another issue, as all GMOs are patented. This means they are property. So when out-crossing occurs into for example another farmers seed or into another animal this then also becomes the property of a company, this could have disastrous affects on our natural world. 

GMO's are one of the biggest ethical concerns that we face. This is both in terms of social and environmental issues are the impacts that this technology has on both human and animals and plant health could be catastrophic. One of the biggest challenges when discussing how un-ethical GMOs are is you often get people who are paid by the companies to put out lies and faults narratives around the subject. The affect of GMOs on human health is not even allowed to be independently tested, which is a huge ethical concern in and of itself. 

Do we need GMO to Feed the World?


Full Documentary on GMOs



MGY401 said...

Wonderful, some influencer with no technical understanding of or education in the subject decides that they should be the one to lecture the world about a technology.

- “Event the corrupt WHO state on their website that there are risks to consuming GMOs. The main risks that they mention are Allergies (hmm I wonder where all this gluten intolerance came from)”

Right, must be all that GE wheat on the market out there... (Hint: There is none. But I am sure you will be kind enough to show the world how GE crops cause “gluten intolerance.”)

- “which is where genes from GM crops mix with genes from wild spiecies or other crops”

Nice, "spiecies..." I also hate it when my soybeans cross pollinate with my cotton.

- “So when out-crossing occurs into for example another farmers seed or into another animal”

What? If outcrossing happens that easily then you better watch out for all that oak pollen in the spring, you might become part oak. And better not eat tomatoes, you might incorporate the genes to create solanine.

This is what happens when you take someone that failed basic biology and let them onto the internet. They convince themselves they understand what they are talking about because they watched a YouTube video.

Jenna H. said...

Thank you for sharing this post - I think it is important to talk about issues like GMOs. While the person above this comment so rudely put you down for sharing this post, I am glad that you (as an influencer) are willing to talk about environmental issues. Many influencers wouldn't dare, so I applaud you for that. Remember everyone - spread love, not hate. :)
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

Ethical Bunny said...

Wow so brave to leave comments without your real name. I would be very interested to see where you went to university... or are you a paid troll?

Most of my information was actually from the WHO website and other sources. I did not just watch one video and think I am an expert.

Also, we are not even allowed to know what many of the affects would be from consuming GMO food as no independent organization is allowed to test it. The risk of many of the things I mentioned has been well documented and the danger to wildlife is common knowledge.

Thanks for the ignorant comment

Some Influencer