How to dye your clothes using Avocado Stones - Tie dye your clothes naturally

A fun way of using your old Avocado pits! It is strange the things that lock-down will do to us but with all the craziness that has been happening I have quite enjoyed doing more cooking and crafts. I first saw the idea of dying clothes with avocado stones on Instagram and thought I would give it a go. I wasted to try it out on some old clothes to try and so some tie dying as it is so on trend right now. 

Firstly I collected as many pits as I could, for dying these two tops I used 6 small sized stones. If you wanted a stronger color or to dye more clothes I would recommend saving more pits.

Secondly, make sure the clothes you want to dye are wet. This helps the dye take evenly on the clothes. Then, you can either tie some elastic bands or hair bobble around the clothes for tie dye affects as pictured below or just move on to the next step. when you are tying your brands on the clothes if you are tie dying them, make sure it is tight!

Next, put your avocado stones in a boiling pan of water for about 40 mins, make sure the pan is as full as possible so you get lots of pigmented water. The stones will just sit around and not do much for  a while until you start to see the dye coming out of them. For the color I got I boiled them for an hour.

Wait till the water turn maroon and then add your garments into the pan or pour the water into a bigger container if you have more items. 

This is where I went wrong I wish I chose a bigger pan so everything was covered!

I transferred to a washing up bowl and added a little more water. I then left the two tops in to soak for about another hour to get this light pink hue. Always remember that the color will wash out so let it go a little darker than you would like. Try to make sure all the clothes are covered with the dye and regularly move them around the bowl to cover the garments evenly with dye. 

If you want a darker color leave the items for as long as possible. Once done, rinse the items, take of the bobbles and let them dry on a flat surface.

Hope you enjoy! :) tag me in your results!

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