Zero waste products I wouldn't buy again - Plastic Free July

Ok, if I was being honest, there are some zero waste items that I just don't think are worth the hype. With being 'green' seeming to be the new trend for 2020 I would encourage everyone still to make good purchasing decisions as there are some Eco friendly products that are just a waste of money. Here is my list of things I wouldn't buy again and that I just don't think are worth the hype. Obviously this is my opinion, but I do want to stop people buying useless or pointless zero waste items. 

1. Bamboo straws
Difficult to clean and usually difficult to suck your drink through, if I am buying reusable straws I always choose metal. Bamboo straws are also difficult to clean and after a few goes in the dishwasher they run the risk of splitting. A nice touch for a tropical cocktail but otherwise I wouldn't bother. 

2. Canvas tote bags
Yes we all have one and we all use one but please please don't buy one. Since zero waste living is becoming more trendy I feel like we are all drowning in a sea of tote bags. Every time I go to a show or a food fare I seem to get another that ends up at the back of my wardrobe. Although they can be good for carrying your shopping, please don't buy one. So many places are handing them out for free it gets on my nerves that many companies are still charging £10 for something that just isn't worth it. 

3. Reusable coffee cups 
As per the sentence above, it still annoys me a little that people have to pay so much for these when if you visit any good trade show you can now walk out with at least half a dozen for free. I currently have about 7 sitting in my cabinates...

4. Mesh fruit and veg bags
Waste of time and money, just chuck your onions in your trolley or use an old plastic bag. I t seems counter intuitive to buy something this specific. Alternatively, what we do is just use one of the many cotton canvas bags we have been given for free...

5. Metal lunch boxes
I can't complain too much as I have never used one. But they are one of those items that I find a little pointless and, if I am honest, pretentious. I think most of us like a take away at least once a month and I see nothing wrong with saving the containers from that. The little metal boxes with individual compartments just seem a bit pointless to me... but hey! I guess we are all different!

Do you agree with my list? Or is there something you think I have missed? Thanks for reading!

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