Top 10 Ways To Help You Reconnect With Your Femininity


Yes I am still thinking about femininity! Although it has been a while since I posted about this, I have still been learning about feminine energy and wanted to take a break from posting about sustainability to share some of the tips I have picked up for re-connecting with your feminine energy. These are some of my favorite tips that I feel have worked with myself and are from some of my favorite feminine content creators.  

1. Re-frame your Perspective 

It is easy in these modern times to have a negative perspective of feminine energy as we live in a world where femininity is ridiculed by men and women alike. Women are now expected to behave like men and are congratulated when they do-so. Re-framing your perspective is a super valuable first step on your journey and essential when you want to awaken your femininity. 

2. Spend Time in Nature 

Spending time in nature, if that is going for a walk, being with animals or however else you choose to spend your time can be very healing. Spending time enjoying the natural world helps us to recharge and get in touch with our more creative side. Walking in the country can also be a great way to alleviate anxiety and help you to feel more centered. This is something I have been really trying to do more of this year.  

3. Get comfortable receiving

Many women have trouble receiving so practicing this can be very beneficial for helping to re-connect with your femininity. Saying thank you after a compliment or letting someone help you is a source of strength and doesn't mean you owe them anything - learning this again is difficult but so worth it!

4. Get out of your head and inside your body 

I really struggle with this one! Getting out of your head and back in touch with what you feel in your body can be difficult and very challenging! As women we have intuition but are often so anxious it can be difficult to use it or distinguish between anxiety, intuition or 'nasty voice'. Leaning how to get back into your body is something I am still trying to master but is essential to get out of your head and masculine energy... just sitting in stillness and focusing on how you feel is the best way I have found to do this so far. 

5.  Look after your beauty 

I do believe that everyone has natural beauty - and this should be nurtured! Taking care of your natural beauty is one of the best ways to feel connected to your body and to reconnect with your femininity. I do also believe that looking after our beauty means focusing on your natural beauty and what feels good to YOU and not focusing on sexuality and turning yourself into a sexual object for me.  

6. Spend time with other women 

Of course the best way to reconnect with your feminine energy is to spend time with other women - especially women in their feminine energy. 

7. Spend time creating 

Feminine energy is creating so spending time doing something creative like nesting, writing, painting - or anything really! Cooking something tasty for yourself can be a lovely way to get in-touch with your creativity if you are not very arty (like me).

8. Nurture Yourself 

One of the reasons I love feminine energy content creators is they draw the distinction between women nurturing men and nurturing themselves and children. Many women often end up nurturing men at the expense of nurturing themselves -me! Remembering to use that instinct to nurture on yourself and n your own life can feel great - still working on this one...

9. Honor Your Emotions 

Really getting in touch with your emotions and learning how to express them in a way that is clear and healthy is a great way to reconnect with your femininity and yourself. I really struggle with this and it can be super overwhelming, but bottling things up is not healthy.

10. Slow down

Instead of action thinking and doing, I have spent more time just relaxing, being in nature, being at home and reading. Reconnecting with femininity is a journey and has been quite a long and difficult one for myself. Learning to be more present and grateful and enjoy my life instead of worrying about the future.


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