Why Regenerative Agriculture is Good for your Health


My interest in regenerative agriculture has only increased of late after learning more about how important soil health is not just for the planet or for the food we grow but also for our bodies. 

Many of us are no strangers to having gut issues, but it was only recently that I started to understand the connection between people with gut problems and regenerative agriculture. 

Some agricultural practices like tilling and certain fertilizers and pesticides have changed the quality of most of our soils. Many of the bacteria that live in our soils are what we need for healthy guts and industrial farming practices and the food system most of us currently use is stopping the good bacteria in the soils from getting into our guts. 

I was listening to a podcast with Tina Anderson from Just Thrive Probiotics about the importance of a good probiotic, the gut brain connection (most of our hormones and emotions are made in our gut and then messages are sent from our gut to our brain) and the importance of soil health. She explained how most people now suffer with leaky gut and how this can impact mental health. She also explained how our anti-bacterial world combined with not being able to get many probiotics from our food impacts health. She also explained the importance of having a probiotic that has bacteria from the soil instead of one that has to be refrigerated. This has really spark my interest in health again and I am currently reading more on this topic -watch this space!

Another impact that regenerative agriculture can have on our health is that it actually has more minerals. Because the soil under industrial farming systems is so poor we actually get less micro nutrients from our fruits and vegetables even if we think we eat healthy. Most soils are now very depleted in minerals like silica and magnesium which are both crucial for the production of cells, energy levels and good mental health. 

Switching to food grown under regenerative systems is therefor not only good for the health of the planet and the environment, but it is also good for our own health. I have recently started taking an SBO probiotic to help replenish my gut bacteria which I hope will have a impact on my health long-term. I have only been taking it for two weeks but the biggest change I have noticed is an improvement in my skin health - which is still positive. 

If you would like to read more on regenerative agriculture click here!

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