Autumn Musings

So another year is drawing to a close and what a year it has been! I would like to think next year will be better and I have been focusing on my career and bringing in the Autumn at home to take my mind off lock-down and all the craziness that is going on. 

Autumn is one of my favorite times of year, the cold wind and crunchy leaves give me an  excuse to wrap up and be cozy. This is also my first Autumn in my new house so I have been scouring the internet for some ethical Autumn home updates(which I will share with you all soon) .

I also love Autumn for the long nights and the time to focus on self-reflection and the year that has gone by; what have I learnt? How have I grown? How can I take all that has happened and grow into a better person - the person I want to be- next year?

One of our most valuable attributes as people is the ability to grow, develop and create. This is something that has always comforted me and guided me through hard and difficult times; pushing me to find the good in every situation and seek out a way to find light in the darkest of places. 

As autumn draws in and the nights start to lengthen there is always hope for the new year, that maybe 2021 will bring something better for us all.

Till then, you will find me enjoying the pumpkin spice, parkin and trying to be a better person; snuggled up on the sofa with blankets in tow and cozy in my autumnal jumpers.

Let me know how you have grown this year below! <3


Jenna H. said...

Love this post - and LOVE the sweater! So perfect for fall!
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

maries_connections said...

Loving this post. Autumn s my fav season too. And yes this year have been nuts but I kept positive (also I caught The Virus months ago and it was fine) . Have been busy learning a lot to become a video editor alongside my husband (freelancer) and my blog is doing better cos i spent more times on it too. x