Renting Clothes - My First Impressions

IMPORTANT UPDATE!!! Do not use this company poor customer service and continued to take payments after I cancelled!! I am taking out all mention of them and all links!

As it is Second-Hand September I thought I would give renting clothing a go. I have been buying 'nothing new' for the last couple of months, but I really wanted to update my wardrobe for Autumn and get some new bits for my girls trip to London. 

I have seen people renting clothing before, but it never really appealed as it seemed an odd concept. I didn't like the idea much, as why pay for something you won't keep? It seemed strange but 2020 has not been the most lucrative of years and I do like a label. 

When I saw —— was stocking Reformation Realization Par and Ganni however, I started to change my mind. 

One for the reasons I often don't like the idea of renting is I think it is expensive. Some places ask for £40 to rent one item that would cost £100 to buy yourself which is ridiculous. I liked ——- as it seemed a little bit cheaper than others I have seen and they have some more expensive brands. I don't see the point in renting high-street labels. 

I decided to rent 4 dresses and a leather jacket for £39.00 for the month as an introductory offer. I chose a Realization par, faithful the brand, Reiss and a Ganni dresses for my trip to London. 

The arrived quite slowly however when they did they were stunning. I wore them for my London trip for both evenings and the day and I loved how they all looked. I got everything in size 8 or an S and they all would fit true to size.

Next month the contract will go up to £79 a month to rent which isn't as reasonable but I can cancel whenever I would like. I may keep it going depending on the lock-down situation and there are some things I rented that I do want to keep longer if I have somewhere to wear them. 

It is something I would recommend trying out especially if you are a blogger or buy a lot of clothes. I think it is a good sustainable way of updating your wardrobe constantly and trying out things that you might want to buy. 

However, I only think this works if you are renting things that are a bit pricey as otherwise there is no point. There are some good places out there to rent things (let me know if you would like another blog post on this) but some companies are just not worth it.

Let me know if you have ever thought about renting clothes and don't forget to follow me on Instagram and subscribe to my email list!


Jenna H. said...

Great post!! I thrift all of my clothes now, but I have a friend who absolutely loves to rent dresses for special occasions. I have been wanting to give it a go as well!
Jenna ♥
Stay in touch? Life of an Earth Muffin

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