Why I decided to get involved in Slow Fashion Season and my issue with Fashion Influences

 Scrolling through Instagram I came across Slow Fashion Season. After the last three years of shopping from only sustainable and ethical sources, I decided to get involved.

I didn't do it for the challenge. After the past three years of buying clothes sustainably I don't think going three months without buying anything new unless it is from a sustainable source is particularly challenging. However, I decided to get involved to highlight the work they are doing encouraging others to shop in a more sustainable manner and also to remind myself.

Since quitting fast fashion and making the decision to only purchase clothing sustainably, many things in my life have changed. It has become such a habit to never go shopping for the day or to bother setting foot in fast fashion stores, that I often forget in my complacently. In a sense, that is a good thing... however, I often need reminding to talk about what I am doing and to remember why I started doing it.

After being involved in the environmental movement for over a decade, doing my Environmental Science degree and blogging on the subject for over 3 years now, I often forget why I started. I also forget the excitement of learning about slow fashion and why I found it interesting; what caught my attention and sparked a passion inside of me. Now it just seems banal. I often forget on my Instagram feed to talk about slow fashion and I never bring it up to anyone anymore unless they ask.

Is that a 'win' I am not so sure...

This is why I decided to get involved in Slow Fashion Season and take the slow fashion pledge. It was more to remind myself over anything else, remind myself what was so exciting about all of this years ago. I often feel like my work here is done. Slow fashion and ethical living are now mainstream ideas. Most people love the environment and want to shop sustainably. Is there any point in 'Ethical Influences' anymore? It feels a little bit like there isn't. With large fashion influences now saying they are becoming more sustainable and supporting sustainable fashion brands, where do the smaller influences sit in all this? Is there a place for small influences, the ones who never took those unethical brand partnerships or exposure from brands with environmentally damaging practices. 

I am not sure if I speak for all 'Ethical Influences' but I do feel a little cheated in a sense. I would never describe myself as a 'Fashion Influencer' and I think all bloggers and content creators have worked hard to get where they are; but there is still a little part of me that feels angry. I never took offers for free stuff or clothing/beauty partnerships from brands that did not meet my principals. Although I should be glad more people are now talking about slow fashion I feel a bit angry.

 After seeing an influencer that I love who promotes fast fashion get an award for slow fashion, I realized why this annoys me so much. It is like the ASOS eco collection or H&M saying they will become sustainable... it just feels fake. It is the green-washing of the influencer industry, they give their token nod to sustainability and carry on promoting unethical brands. 

Yes this is a little bitter and maybe it is just me, it just feels disingenuous. I don't know any ethical influences that get paid the amount that regular ones do. This is mainly due to most ethical brands not being willing or lucrative enough to pay £1000+ for a post on social media. 

I don't see this changing I just felt I had to mention it on here as my blog is my 'safe space' where I like to air my grievances. I am hoping Slow Fashion Season will reignite my passion and I will be writing more in the coming months on slow fashion topics and investigating new avenues and ideas. 

I hope you will all come along with me... and let me know if you agree!

Read more about my Ethical Fashion Journey here.

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