Florals For Spring? Groundbreaking.... How I use Pinterest in my Slow fashion Journey

What an attractive face!

I have actually started to really 'get into' using Pinterest in my slow fashion journey. I have seen others talk about this before but as usual I am a little late to the party! I decided to start using Pinterest more as although I have been buying slow and sustainable fashion for the past 3 years, I still struggle to buy smart and put my outfits together in a stylish way. 

This year was also the year I have started to try a capsule wardrobe system to try and help me put outfits together well and think about color more. However, Pinterest played a big role in helping give me inspiration for my capsule and what would work well in my wardrobe. Creating boards on pinterests has helped me 'braindump' my outfit ideas and collect my thoughts and ideas on what I like. 

It has also helped me to reasess what I actually like to wear; sometimes you can think you like a certain tyoe of style or clothing that actually you don't or you can start to spot patters in the items you are pinning. This is brilliant for giving me inspiration on outfit ideas from what I already have in my wardrobe, or if there are any gaps in my basics. 

Moving towards Spring, Pinterest has helped me with ideas of how I can use what I already have and transition items for the new year. With trends constantly coming and going we can expect the usual mishmash of cheap fast fashion items to be stuffed onto the shop shelves. Not much usually catches my eye in fashion magazines and Spring 2021 is no differnt. I would rather spend my time and money defining and working on my own personal style and investing in items I can wear for decades. 

For myself personally I will be investing in feminie skirts and dresses that I can layer and that fit with my capsule wardrobe and potentially hunting around for a second hand vintage wax jacket. I have wanted one for a while, however I am sure I can thrift one cheaply and will be checking the vintage shops in my area for any bargins. These should carry me through to Autumn and fit in with the other items in my capsule. 

I have been using Pinterest to help me search for , and decide what, would work best for me. Many colors and cuts are not suitable for me so I always like to look how others have styled these items before I invest.

Do you use pinterest to help you style your outfits? And are you planning on buying anything new this Spring?


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