Why plastic is bad - Zero waste swaps you can make today

Looking for little changes to make to your life to reduce your waste? Look no further!

The term going zero waste makes the whole thing seem quite unattainable – we cant all have pantrys full of neatly ordered kilner jars! For me personally, lowering my waste and eating more local fresh food were two things I really wanted to do in 2020.

It is predicted that in 30 years time there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish and to me this is a problem. Most of this will be microplastics as well, casually photodegrading out I nthe oceans till they are small enough to be eaten by fish and enter the food chain.

Most of the plastic that is around today has been produced since 2000 which shows just how quickly we can alter whole ecosystems. Most of this plastic is packaging we will use once and then discard, so lowering our plastic consumption at home really can make a difference.

 t is predicted that by the year 2050, there could be more plastic in our oceans than fish. Almost half of all plastic EVER manufactured has been made since 2000. Nearly a million plastic bottles are sold PER MINUTE around the world. 40% of plastic is made for packaging which is used once, then discarded. It is estimated that 8.3 BILLION plastic straws pollute our world’s beaches.

One of my favourite brands for helping me reduce my waste is Net Zero. They ofer a large range of functional and stylish resusable products for everyday life. They offer zero waste products for the kitchen and bathroom as well as when you are out and about all shipped with plastic free shipping that uses 100% biodegradable packaging.
Also, for every order they plant a tree through Eden Rain forestation Project which I think is fab!

I was lucky enough to be gifted some of these products to try out and chose the items that I really felt would help me reduce my waste. I chose a new bamboo hair brush as I needed a new one and my old plastic one was broken; some reusable food wraps which I have wanted to try for ages to help me reduce my packaging at lunch times which is a huge issue for me; a spork for out and about so I don’t have to eat with plastic ones when I am on my car picnics and lastly a metal flask.

When they arrived I loved how sweet all the little ocean creature designs were, especially on my flask!

All of the items I received  were really high quality, and so far I have been really happy with them. The bamboo brush definitely helps me with my hair and I have been looking to switch to a bamboo one for quite a while.

I love using my wax wraps for lunches and breakfasts on the go and I have been really impressed with them so far. I am in love with my flask as well, and I have been using it for hot drinks over the winter. I really wanted a metal reusable flask for quite a while as then I can use it for both cold and hot drinks. I really like that it is a screw topped flask as well as I have had so many issues with other ones leaking. 

Overall I have loved incorporating these into my daily life and making gradual little changes to my routine. It has also been nice to save money on my hot drinks and lunches since I have been taking more food and drink from home rather than buying it out.

If you want to learn more about how the little swaps I am trying to make click here or for more information on Net Zero click here.

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