Of course all the plastics are in the same gym class/ 23 ways you can minimise plastic in your everyday life

Plastic pollution is epidemic in the global community now, with even the deep sea creatures contaminated with synthetic fibres.   The problem of plastic pollution is not just an issues of plastic pollution and the resulting loss of biodiversity, it is the resulting increase in estrogen levels. Bisphenol A (BPA) is a synthetic form of estrogen that is found in plastics and is used in their production; this leaches out into our food and water and ends up being injurested by animals and humans. These BPA's mimic estrogen in the body and disrupt our normal hormones, they can block estrogen or mimic it throwing off the hormone balance of both adults and children. This can also lead to a number of health problems like breast cancer, low testosterone and infertility. 

Platic pollution has already contaminated most of the planet including 83% of our tap water; slowly the UK has been making progress in regards to recycling and the banning of microbeads in personal care products. However, we need to move much faster on this issue and I have personally been really thinking hard about the products I buy and the global implications.

I have been asked recently why I write my blog if I actually think just me writing this and changing what I buy will make a difference in the world. To answer this yes I do. I nor anyone else can be personally held accountable for all the pollution on the planet, however, I am accountable for contributing to these issues and I have the choice not to. I believe that if enough people make this individual choice for themselves to change their lives then we really will be able to change the world together. This morning a few nurseries in Southern England has announced that they are banning glitter, it's these changes that if we all do them it will make a real difference.

I have put together a list of 23 ways to minimise my contribution to this problem, I hope you all enjoy it and find it a useful tool! Feel free to add to it if I have missed something out:

1. Always buy plastics that are BPA free

2. Don't buy bottled water or drinks ever, carry a metal water bottle or if that's not possible just reuse one.

3. When shopping for food stop buying products wrapped in plastic where possible or products that are individually wrapped; instead buy more basic food and bring your own bags to the shop. See the link for some really lovely reusable fruit and veg bags for your fresh fruit and veg. 

4. Wrap your sandwiches in reusable wrapping before you take them to work!

5. Use a menstrual cup instead of constantly buying pads! This also reduces waste from sanitary products and your risk of TSS.

6. Stainless steel drinking straws instead of plastic ones! Americans use 500 million drinking straws every day!

7. A guppy bag to help stop plastic clothes fibres washing out in the wash.

8. Stop buying, or limit the purchase of clothing made of synthetic fibres.

9. Choose products made of metal, wood or cardboard over plastic.

10. Take your own reusable cups and cutlery when you are on the go and refuse the plastic knives and forks when you are out and about.

11. If possible take a reusable lunch box when you go out if you want to take away food ( you might even get a discount, something I think more businesses should start doing)

12. Wrap all gifts in reusable gift bags instead of tacky wrapping paper and birthday bags.

13. Instead of a plastic phone case choose one from Pela Care who make compostable phone cases.

14. Make sure all your bed sheets and towels are 100% natural fibres, we spend so much time sleeping it's important to make sure we are not breathing in plastic all night.

15. Make sure all plastic that you do buy you also recycle.

16. Don't overbuy and overspend at celebrations, many people buy lots of tacky plastic gifts; try instead of getting someone one thoughtful gift. Also, some of the ethical items linked above can make great gifts and then this also helps spread the word on plastic pollution. 

17. Instead of shopping for furniture in places like Ikea or B and M bargains, try looking for second-hand furniture in places like Reviive or local car boot sales. 

18. Instead of buying a plastic toothbrush every 3 months try one made from bamboo or buy an electric one with an interchangeable head.

19. Limit your use of plastic resources like bin bags by composting and recycling.

20. Ask your workplace to remove the need for plastic cups in the canteen and make sure at your work/school they recycle their waste.

21. Choose hassle-free packaging on Amazon, and schedule your deliveries to arrive together. There are so many biodegradable materials now why not tweet a company abut using more biodegradable packaging.

22. Mend things!

23. Filter your water

Every year 8,000,000 tonnes of plastic waste ends up in the ocean creating a toxic soup, and there are 150 million tonnes currently in the ocean and it has contaminated the whole of our food chain as the toxins bio accumulate. Reducing plastic consumption and recycling our waste is really important on an individual level.

Most of the plastic in the ocean is tiny partials and it would take an unimaginable amount of time and money to filter it all out again. However, there is hope, Boyan Slot a young aerospace engineer has come up with a solution to rid the oceans of plastic. I've linked his TedTalk below it's really ingenious and hopefully the more people watch this the more support his project can get and together we can make this happen.



Fashion Potluck said...

Thanks for sharing the advice! It is so important raising awareness about this topic x

Ethical Bunny said...

Thank you! Yes it is I am glad it has had more exposure since Blue Planet Two x