The Top Ethical Travel Tips From Yours Truly

Traveling and going on holiday is something that not many of us want to cut back on especially after 2 years of staycations. But considering that 8% of GHGE come from traveling globally, making sure that we travel as sustainably as possible is important. 

My last article on traveling more sustainably was very popular however, I thought it was time for an update with some new things I have learned! 

If you follow me on Instagram you will know I do love to travel but traveling mindfully and as sustainably as possible is very important to me. I have structured this post to demonstrate what I consider at different stages when I plan my journey - enjoy! 

Ethical Destinations

Pick your destination wisely! Tourism can bring life and money into an economy but it can also put a big strain on local facilities. Try and choose places slightly off the beaten track where you will get a better travel experience and not put pressure on local systems. An example of this is Talum where waste is being pumped into the seas and rivers and poisoning local wildlife and water sources. 

Something else to consider when picking your destination is the social issues in the country and if you want to possibly avoid a certain location. Human rights abuse and slavery are huge issues and yet people continue to visit destinations where for example their hotels are built by slaves or there are concentration camps. Pick your destination wisely and stick to your morals!

Ethical Accommodation

20% of the carbon footprint of a holiday comes from accommodation alone. hotels are often huge chains that take money out of the local economy and make large amounts of waste from lights left on all day and night, daily laundry and large amounts of food waste. Air bnb or local boutique hotels keep money in the local economy and enrich the area. Staying in an air bnb can also help you have a better experience as your host can provide you with local knowledge and insights! 


How to get to your destination?  Choose travelling boat or train over the plane. Flying requires a lot of fuel and energy, travelling by boat or plane is a lot more energy efficient and sometimes you can stop at different destinations on the way. If you can it is always better to choose short haul flights and fly with hand luggage if possible!

When you reach your destination consider using public transport to get around instead of hiring a car which is more polluting. Bus and train can be great options for exploring the local area! Staying on holiday longer is also beneficial ( this is part of the concept of slow travel).

Pack Mindfully 

Do you need luggage or can you get by with a cabin bag? Personally I think for less than a week unless you are doing outdoor activities hand luggage will do. So many of us over-pack for holiday and end up carting around a load of things that don’t get worn. Although I am not really into the capsule wardrobe in everyday life, I think creating a holiday capsule is a brilliant idea.

When you are packing make sure to put underwear in a tote bag and then you can use the tote for shopping on the trip! It is difficult to get reusable coffee cups and metal drink containers through but if you have collapsible ones this  is a good option. 

Ethical Clothing 

Pre-holiday try and think about what you will wear and want to take on holiday, considering first what you already own! I am a sucker for buying something new to go on holiday with so I always shop for holiday clothes secondhand. This minimizes the impact we have on the planet but it can still result in bringing more clutter into your home. This is something I have learned over the years and now I try and only buy items for holidays that I will also wear back in the UK. Sooo many of us buy colorful or skimpy holiday clothes that are not our style and we would never wear back home .... such a waste!

Ethical Toiletries 

When it comes to packing toiletries investing in some reusable bottles is a great way to be more ethical. Other things to consider however are also making sure that you take products that are natural, zero waste and cruelty free. Ethical travel is about being more mindful and this includes being mindful of other countries sanitation systems. Some regions have poor sanitation and recycling facilities and the sulphites and micro beads will just be washed into the bodies of Water nearby. 

Where to eat and drink Ethically

Eating and drinking in local places is very important when you are traveling. Like with accommodation this keeps money in the economy rather than giving it to a company that wont pay taxes and will take this profit out the country. Picking local beers and wines is also a good way to do this, and, experience a place more authentically. 

Also, don't eat endangered animals... just no.


Be mindful of local issues such as the trade in animals, many people go on holiday and get pictures with sedated tigers and monkeys and elephants in chains. By paying for these you are supporting the capture and abuse of these animals, do your research on animal sanctuaries and stay away from photos with sedated animals.

Other activities to possibly avoid is things live visits to poor areas to look at people living in poverty...there are pros and cons to this but I have heard that they can be very uncomfortable experiences. 

Obviously we would all like to travel to some exotic location and stay in an eco-retreat but for many of us that is not an option or a desire; however there are still many ways that we can lower our impact when traveling and travel more mindfully, slower and with greater respect for the people and environments we visit. 

I hope you all enjoyed my post and this has given some food for thought! If you enjoyed this post please share and spread the word on how we can travel more mindfully in 2022!

1 comment

Clara said...

Thank you for the wonderful list of cruelty-free brands. It is indeed difficult to find good cruelty-free brands, whose parent company are also cruelty-free and does Not Test on animals. Here this brand also has many useful products in case someone is interested: